Monday, February 06, 2006

Behead anyone who suggests Islam is violent

I really have been trying hard not to wade in the muck of the looney tunes fiasco. It would all be outrageously hilarious if there were not very real consequences to many innocent people over a few poorly drawn political cartoons published in Denmark that on the whole; don’t even rate a full throat chuckle let alone a belly laugh but watching the Sunday morning coverage on CNN outraged me. How far down the path to dhimmitude have we gone when even a cable news network cannot pass a simple judgment that the “outrage” from the Muslim street is beyond the pale and out of portion for the alleged offense? How dare they equate a few badly drawn cartoons as justifiable “provocation” for the violence and destruction that has ensued.

My general rule is not to disparage anyone’s religious beliefs and I would come down firmly on the right of all people to practice their religious customs and traditions with the only caveat being that they do not have the right to cause physical harm to others or property. Perhaps my understanding is flawed but as I comprehend the Muslim outrage over the looney tunes in Denmark is because there is a prohibition for adherents of that faith not to mock or cause the Prophet Mohammad or Islam to be smirched in any way which is all well and good for the followers of Islam. The rest of us are under no such obligation. The last time I looked at an atlas Denmark had not conceded to direct rule by of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Nor does the Danish government control the media unlike a few other Islamic nations I could name that allow their citizens free rein to run amuck against the infidels.

I draw the line at the suggestion from Muslims that I, a non-Muslim, must regard Islam with the same reverence and in the same way as a Muslim would. Not going to happen. I am not a Muslim nor do I regard Mohammed as nothing more than a Johnny come-lately-to- the whole G-d is one scene. I have judged Islam and found it wanting. No doubt many followers of Islam find the notion that anyone could find Islam without personal merit is offensive but what is offensive to me is the suggestion that any modern Western nation should institute blasphemy-type laws to protect your Muslim sensibilities.

If you want to live in a society where there are blasphemy laws and the Prophet and his horse are never besmirched in the public discourse there are countries for you to live in. Think Saudi Arabia, but the West isn’t necessarily one. Everyone’s sacred cows are open season. Get use to it. Frankly, the whole Jews are ;pigs and sons of monkey’s' theme that are published regularly in many Muslim countries and preached by your religious leaders is beyond the pale of what most Westerns would call civilized discourse.

When was the last time the governments of Syria, Egypt or Saudi Arabia publicly apologized for the demonization of Jews or Christians in their state controlled newspapers? When was the last time a Muslim government leader stood up and said that the burning of the Israeli or Danish flag is unacceptable discourse among civilized men? Don’t call for the West to take action to protect the so-called good name of your religion when you are not prepared to extend the same courtesy to others.

And even the mere suggestion of blasphemy laws is something that I personally take great offense to. How so Spanish Inquisition of you, but West has been there, done that and found it wanting. We moved on. Kidnapping, razing embassies, protesting with signs that threat death and dismemberment for non-adherents, issuing religious decrees that threaten the lives of cartoonists, directors and writers, burning flags, and boycotting cookies and cheese just make the whole ethos of Islam that much unpalatable for rest of us non-Muslims. If you are so concerned about the good name of Islam I would suggest you take a good hard look at what is done in the good name of Islam by your adherents when they torch our cities with cries of Allah Akbar on their lips.

Here’s a link to the Danish Cartoons. Here’s another to the regular fare published in those countries where Islam is the official state religion. By the way, I bought Danish cookies and cheese today at the grocery store today – what are you going to do cut off my hands, Behead my children? Force a burka on my daughter?

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